+88 01716 305763


About Us

Good development can be envisaged as both process and result of well thought human activities directed for bringing about positive changes to the well-being of any society. Today, in the era of globalization, both individual and corporate private businesses along with initiatives and involvements of the public sector and international development organizations are taking pioneering role in the development pursuits of all developing nations. Bangladesh is not an exception in this regard. Different national development organizations are conducting different plans for both urban and rural areas. This calls for precise data and information acquisition from field level and precise mapping as well. Comprehending the requirement of quality service providing organization in this regard, “Global Survey Consultants (GSC)” has been established in the capital city of Bangladesh.

In this organization, we conduct different surveys using modern surveying equipment, prepare all types of GIS based maps, process GPS and satellite image, prepare plans in both urban and rural areas and carry out theoretical, empirical and action oriented research in various development and environment related issues.

This organization has a group of highly qualified professionals with sound academic and professional background who are utterly committed to provide quality services and also to work in challenging environment with greater responsibility and efficiency. Besides, this organization has a board of advisors to provide special advisory services.

This firm also conducts different works in collaboration with others firms of Bangladesh.


The aims of this organization are to foster and enable-

  • Informed development and investment decision-making,
  • Environmentally and socially responsible entrepreneurship, and
  • Partnership with public and private sectors for achieving development goals

Photo Gallery

  • "Referencing of Mauza Maps on Ortho Rectified Satellite Image"

  • "Ographic Map with Contour of Eco-Sustainable Project"

  • Raster Surface of Eco-Sustainable Project

  • GNSS Observation on BM Pillar in GCCAAP Project

  • evel Fly from SoB Pillar in CDA Project

  • ations and Orientation Survey for DVOR / DME

  • Stereo Photogrammetry in Erdas Imagine Platform

  • GIS based Physical Feature Map

  • Visualization of Physical Feature Survey Data

  • Working with Workstation and 3D Vision Kit in Stereo Photogrammetry

  • Use of High Accuracy Total Station in Bangabandhu Railway Bridge Construction Project

  • Level Survey of Digital Level

  • """""GNSS Observation of Bangabandhu Raiway Bridge Construc

Organization and Management

All technical and administrative activities of the organization are supervised and monitored by the full-time professionals with outstanding career. Each of the departments of GSC is operated, supervised and monitored by the members to ensure a continuous and effective control on all activities throughout the duration of the Project. The general modus operandi of GSC is shown below.

Global module image